Mother, socialite, folklorist, traveller, landlady, lover, writer,
patron ,activist and Gaelic speaker, Lady Augusta Isabella Gregory is
well known for her role as a founding member of the The Abbey Theatre,
Dublin, and as close friend of WB Yeats. Less public is her life as a
London socialite, her interest in European architecture, the politics of
her day and the fact that she spoke with a charming lisp…Tale of the
Gael tells a carefully researched tale of a woman who influenced the
social and literary currents of her time, and was equally influenced by
Often defined in terms of others, this well researched evening with
Tale of the Gael presents Lady Gregory as herself. Their trademark blend
of traditional music with classical overtones provide the perfect
backdrop for a woman whose story is synonomous with Irish culture, but
whose early experiences were colonially British and European.