Friday, 23 August 2019

On this day 125 years ago the first golf competition was played at Bundoran Golf Club

Golfers at Bundoran Golf Club played their first competition on 24th August 1894. See Roguey in the background

One hundred and twenty five years ago golf was first played at Bundoran, when the Highland Hotel Company decided to build an hotel and golf course on a spectacular site overlooking Bundoran and Donegal Bay. The company built hotels in seaside resorts such as Warrenpoint, Rostrevor and Bundoran as these towns were served by the Great Northern Railway. Their business plan was to also construct golf courses, beside the hotels, and to attract tourists to travel by rail, to play golf and stay in the hotels. Ninety six acres were initially purchased on scenic Aughross Hill to construct a 60 bedroom hotel with billiard room, reading rooms, tennis courts and golf course. Work on the construction of the hotel commenced in 1894, but the golfers were quick off the mark and had started playing golf in 1894 before the hotel was opened in 1895. Unlike today golf in the early years was the preserve of the gentry and the first President was the Duke of Abercorn from Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone, the first Captain was a local landlord James Johnston from Kinlough Co. Leitrim and chairman of the club was James Caldwell Bloomfield who lived on his estate at Castlecaldwell near Belleek Co. Fermanagh. Bloomfield had been instrumental in bringing the railway to Belleek for his pottery there and the line then extended to Ballyshannon and Bundoran. 

G .L.Baillie designer of Bundoran and Portrush G.C.

The course was initially a nine- hole course and was designed by one of the most prominent Victorian designers G.L. Baillie, originally from Musselburgh in Scotland. The British Open recently won by Shane Lowery played at Portrush golf course was originally designed as a nine- hole course by Baillie who also designed the world renowned Royal County Down course in Newcastle. The first golf competition was played on the Bundoran links on Friday 24th August 1894 for the club handicap monthly prize played between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m

Book available from  A Novel Idea Bookshop Ballyshannon, Four Masters Bookshop Donegal Town and Local Hands Ballyshannon.

Hardback and softback book also available from the author Anthony Begley- contact

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The Mysteries surrounding St. Patrick's Well Ballyshannon and remembering a 90th Anniversary

Rag Tree at St. Patrick's Well Ballyshannon

Worth a Visit  during this  Heritage Week or anytime

The scenic St. Patrick’s Well in the Abbey area outside Ballyshannon is well worth a visit during Heritage Week as the present grotto was opened ninty years ago on the 15th of August 1929. The site is in a tranquil location overlooking the picturesque Abbey Bay and historic Sheegus Hill with the Sligo-Leitrim mountains as a backdrop. Use the enclosed information to guide you around the grotto and well. Pick a good day at anytime! Definitely worth a visit for all the family and for visitors. There are a number of mysteries surrounding the well.

The Feast of the Assumption  on the 15th August is a popular date for visiting the well. Back in 1929 there was a religious revival in the Catholic Church as that was the centenary of the achievement of Catholic Emancipation by Daniel O’Connell. On the 15th August 1929 a new grotto to Saint Patrick was erected at the well through the efforts of   the local community and in particular of Mr .James Campbell, who owned the adjacent mill.  He was also instrumental in the construction of a roadway to replace the nettle-grown narrow path leading down to St. Patrick’s Well. Five beds were created by taking boulders from the river Erne and the station beds still survive to the present day. Many families who still live in the area contributed voluntarily with the construction work.  The McLoone family who live near to the mill buildings today are closely related to James Campbell.  Bunting and flags decorated all approaches to the Abbey Well on the 15th August and there was a boat in the bay also adorned with flags. People began assembling in town before 10 o’ clock in the morning and the Ballyshannon Brass and Reed Band led a long procession from the Courthouse via the Mall, Market Street, Tírconaill Street, Bishop Street before arriving at the well at 10.30. “The Donegal Democrat” was on hand to record the ceremony at the well: 
“Motor cars plied constantly between the town and the Abbey, and large numbers were present from more distant parts of Donegal as well as from the adjoining Counties of Sligo, Leitrim and Fermanagh. Rev. A. MacLoone, B.D., St. Eunan’s College, Letterkenny, was celebrant of the Mass; Rev. L. MacGinley, D.D., Philadelphia, being  Deacon; Rev. C. Daly, Sheffield, Sub-Deacon, and Right Rev. Monsignor MacGinley, D.D., P.P., Ballyshannon, Master of Ceremonies. After the first Gospel, Rev. John Deeney, Rector, St. Columba’s Industrial Schools, Killybegs, delivered an instructive and touching sermon, concluding by making an appeal, which was nobly responded to, for the restoration fund of St. Patrick’s Church, Ballyshannon, and the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Cashelard. The music of the Mass – the Missa De Angelis – was splendidly rendered by the Choir of St. Patrick’s Church under the baton of Mr. P. Cleary, N.T. The unaccompanied motet, Palastrina’s “Ave Maria” (Vatican edition) was particularly rich in harmony and expression. Solemn Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament followed the Mass, and the singing of “Faith of Our Fathers,” with Band accompaniment, brought a great and moving religious ceremony to a close.
Mystery  of St. Patrick’s Statue at the Well solved
Three years later on St. Patrick’s Day 1932 the new statue to St. Patrick was blessed at the Abbey Well by Monsignor McGinley D.D. The statue was donated anonymously.  In 1940 the identity of the donor was revealed when Maurice P. Hayes died in that year at Santa Monica in California. His connection with the Ballyshannon area was through his friendship with William Meehan of Durnish Rossnowlagh and he had acted as executor of his will in 1905. Much later he met Fr. Griffith, a nephew of William Meehan, who was a curate in Ballyshannon. The Hayes family came on a trip to Ireland and met Fr. Griffith in Dublin where he told them of the development of the Abbey Well. Maurice Hayes gave a gift of the statue of St. Patrick which still stands at the Abbey Well with the inscription; “Pray for the Donor.”

The Stations at the Abbey Well
Patterns or festivals were celebrated in honour of the patron saint (patrún) of a district or of some saint associated with the area. The pattern at the Abbey Well was held on the Feast of the Assumption on the 15th August each year. It is possible this feast day was chosen because the nearby Abbey of Assaroe was dedicated to Mary. Patterns were important social occasions and, according to tradition, the pattern at the Abbey Well was attended by large crowds up to the nineteenth century with the religious and social events lasting for a few days.
On arrival at the Abbey Well, the pilgrims on some occasions would have Mass celebrated for them, but for the most part they would have performed the station. The station involved reciting set prayers and moving around beds in a similar manner to Lough Derg at the present time. According to folklore the station at the Abbey Well went as follows: Fifteen pebbles were picked from the river bed or station bed and pilgrims began by saying, one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Creed while kneeling at the well. Then going sun wise they knelt at each bed, saying one Our Father, ten Hail Mary’s and one Creed. A pebble was tossed into each bed. The round of five beds was completed three times and the station was concluded by taking three sips of water from the well and saying a rosary at the grotto. A rag or a medal was left on the bushes near the well. It was also believed that if the water was misused the well would dry up. It was said that a woman used the well to wash clothes and that the well dried up and remained so until blessed by the priest. 
Two St. Patrick's Wells ? and the Rag Trees in the Abbey
If you look at the Ordnance Survey Map for the Abbeylands at Ballyshannon (O.S. 107) you will discover a most curious enigma. The name of the well at the Abbey Bay is listed on the map as Tobernaboghilla, in Irish Tobar na Bachaille which means the Well of the Crozier or Staff.   (An alternative meaning suggested for Tobar na Bachaille  is the well of the cripple) . In the neighbouring townland of Abbey Island is a well, clearly marked on the Ordnance Survey map as Toberpatrick or Patrick’s Well. This well was situated on the Ballyshannon side of Abbey Assaroe and the graveyard. ( in a field close to the junction with the Rossnowlagh Road). In the 1930s when the folklore of the area was being collected,  Brother Nathy, a De La Salle Brother, recorded that people at one time visited this well as a place of pilgrimage: “There is a Tobar Patrick near the Pound, in the townland of the Abbey but no stations are performed there now; up to thirty years ago, people frequented this well as a place of pilgrimage; but since its enclosure by Mr. Cassidy, Ballyshannon, for the production of mineral waters, which never materialised, though the sample of water from this well was the best of six or seven other sample .” At some period in the history of the two wells,Tobernaboghilla became St. Patrick’s Well, and all veneration at the well centred on Saint Patrick. All that remains of  Toberpatrick or Patrick’s Well in nearby Abbey Island, is a forgotten name on an ordnance survey map and the folklore that indicates people visited it up to the 1900 period.

A station at the Abbey Well Ballyshannon
Despite the religious revival in the 1930s and 1940s,  large crowds visiting the Abbey well gradually waned and nowadays visits to the well are infrequent, except on days like the 15th of August when people still carry on the tradition of visiting the well on the pattern day. A feature of the Abbey Well which still attracts great interest from visitors are the rags on the white thorn bushes. Wells were said to have certain cures attached to them and the Abbey Well water was said to be most beneficial for trouble of the eyes. Offerings of coins, medals, flowers and cloth are associated with wells in various parts of the country and the tradition is still practised at the Abbey Well. This tradition of pilgrims with illness or concerns, praying and leaving a piece of cloth on a bush, reminds us that in our modern world there are still echoes of a world which has not fully vanished.

In this period of Heritage Week it is a good time for visitors and  local people to visit this historic well and reflect on the contributions made by local people, 90 years ago, this week, in passing on this beautiful Abbey well to the present generation. Bring the blog with you and self-guide your visit.

Book available from  A Novel Idea Bookshop Ballyshannon, Four Masters Bookshop Donegal Town and Local Hands Ballyshannon.

Hardback and softback book also available from the author Anthony Begley- contact

Friday, 16 August 2019

Ballyshannon Agricultural Show 120 Years plus and still going strong 1895-2019

Ballyshannon Show has a long history of providing competition and entertainment for the community and still continues to the present day.  Great credit is due to the committees who have kept the show going through many challenging times. Many will recall this very important social occasion  held for  years in Danby and which ranked alongside the Harvest Fair as the two biggest events where town and country gathered to celebrate. The competitions in the cattle, sheep, horses and agricultural classes helped to improve standards of production  and great pride was also evident in the winners of home baking, vegetables, craft and flower competitions. Until recent times international horse riders competed at the prestigious showjumping events which was part of the agricultural show at Britton’s of  Danby. Most important of all was the social occasion  and the novelty events such as tug of war which enthused the audience in bygone days. A show dance was also a highlight of the Agricultural Show and indeed the writer remembers his first dance at the show.

Charlie Mc Gettigan’s Show Memories

Charlie Mc Gettigan who went on to win the Eurovision Song contest in 1994 with Paul Harrington made his first public performance accidentally at Ballyshannon Show. His father, Pat Mc Gettigan who ran a grocery business in Main Street, was helping out with the amplification for the Ballyshannon Show at Danby. He wanted to test the system and asked his son to sing a song. Charlie sang Catch a Falling Star, little realising that it was going out over the show grounds on his first public performance. Charlie and John Hannigan developed a musical friendship, and along with Michael Dalton and Jimmy Rafferty formed a group called Sound Storms and were later joined by Danny Kerrigan. They practised in the basement of the Market House, played at local gigs such as relief band in the Astoria and at the Show dance where they had to pay to get in! They were playing relief to Paddy Mc Cafferty’s Band at the Show dance but that didn’t impress the ticket sellers at the entrance to the dance!

The Travers family at the Show in Danby

The First Agricultural Shows 1895-1896

The  Show can trace its roots back to 1895 when the first Ballyshannon Agricultural Association Show was held. The following year there were 220 entries  with increased entries from the first show in the yearling and three year old colts or fillies, ponies under 14 hands, bulls, cows, rams, ewes, pigs and poultry. Butter, eggs, homespuns and honey were also exhibited and the care taken in quality and presentation was to benefit the  agricultural industry. The 1896 show took place in two venues. The produce was displayed in the market square (Market yard) and in the afternoon the horse jumping , tug-of- war, driving competitions (horse and car)  and  other events in the Rock field. 

Some local winners in different categories in 1896 were- Edward Vaughan, Dunmuckrum, best bull, C. J. Tredennick, best dairy cow, George Moore, Ballinacarrick, best heifer, Thomas J. Atkinson, best heifer, Patterson Morrow, The Abbey, best bull, James Cassidy, Coolcholly ,best dairy cow, Robert Myles ,best heifer, Dan Campbell, Kileen, best bull, John Anderson, Ballyshannon, best heifer, T. Gallagher West Port, best heifer, Peter Mc Cafferty, Cashelard, best bull, Michael Gillespie, The Abbey best heifer, Hugh Mulrine, Market Street, best cow, Daniel Kerrigan, Dunmuckrum, best heifer, Ms. Bridget Durneen, Higginstown, best ewes. The show jumping took place in a splendid enclosed field close to the Workhouse and had three classes with total prize money of £32 – quite a sum in 1896. The tug-of-war was the final event of the day and caused great excitement with the local teams from Myles’ timber yards and McAdams, Donegal Vindicator newspaper, pitting their strength against the Dorsets from the Rock Army Barracks. McAdams won the event and held the bragging rights until the next show.

The Show goes on

Ballyshannon Agricultural Show can trace its origins back to 1895 and every August an active committee are continuing this tradition with their revived 25th anniversary in Tunney’s field on the Donegal road. Improving standards in the breeding of cattle, sheep, horses and poultry, together with home industries and arts and crafts were always at the heart of the competitions at the Agricultural Show. Today the show is a mecca for local people and visitors who carefully watch the judging competitions for all types of animals and who are attracted by the dog show, the live music, and the bonnie baby competition. Lots of novelty events, face-painting, quads and bouncy castles ensure that the Agricultural Show is moving with the times as well as maintaining the standards of the past 120 years. The Agricultural Show today is one of the oldest and most successful community events in the area and is on this Sunday 18th August.

A  Local History Book suitable for those at Home and Away
"Ballyshannon. Genealogy and History" reveals newly researched history and genealogy of the town, extending as far as the Rossnowlagh, Cashelard, Corlea, Clyhore, Higginstown and Finner areas. Includes the parishes of Kilbarron and Magh Ene. 
  • The genealogy material provides detailed guidelines for anyone tracing their roots in the area or anywhere in County Donegal or Ireland. The book contains 500 pages and is richly illustrated with stunning colour, aerial photography, original illustrations and rare photographs of the area not seen before.
  • It  includes much new material on the independence struggle which is being remembered throughout Ireland. It also contains the full story of  The Green Lady which  was  performed in Ballyshannon  to great acclaim. 
  • Available in A Novel Idea, and Local Hands in Ballyshannon and 4 Masters Bookshop Donegal Town. Also available from Anthony Begley for postal enquiries email

Monday, 5 August 2019

Today a local history walk along the Erne at Ballyshannon

Today a River walk in Ballyshannon  meet at 3 p.m.  Monday 5th August in Market Yard. Guide Anthony Begley all welcome to this free event as part of Ballyshannon Maritime Heritage and Walking Festival

Friday, 2 August 2019

A Local History River Walk in Ballyshannon Monday next 5th August

Monday Next 5th August at 3 p.m.

Meeting Point Market Yard

Guide Anthony Begley Local Historian

Stopping Points include Footbridge, Mall Quay and Mall Park

All welcome to this free event as part of Ballyshannon Maritime Heritage and Walking Festival

Spread the word.

Also available from the author Anthony Begley-
and Four Masters Bookshop Donegal Town and Local Hands Ballyshannon.